Ascension Accelerator Toolkit: Ancestral Healing for Divine Connection

Introducing a powerful new resource! The Ancestral Healing for Divine Connection Toolkit:

Is your painful family legacy blocking you from living the life you truly desire?

No family is immune from closeted secrets, inherited illness, addiction and trauma. We’ve all got some. And more often than you think, it’s the cause of your dis-ease, hardship or struggle today.

What if I told you that you could clear a painful family trauma or release a crappy family pattern in about four weeks? When you stay on each step for about a week you can expect an ancestral healing or clearing in just one month.

What would be spectacularly possible for you in your life?

Step 1: Calling in Ancestral Support

Your ancestors are standing by to support you. Are you tapping in? Here’s how to connect in and get the guidance you need to clear your family line. 

  1. Video introduction (with transcript provided)
  2. Creating an ancestor altar to support you and invite ancestral communication
  3. Inquiry questions to uncover family traumas and patterns to be cleared
  4. A reiki-charged guided visualization to support you in uncovering the most pressing pattern, contract or belief system to be cleared

Step 2: Sorting the Wheat From The Chaff

Not everything needs to be cleared, healed or released. Sometimes just tuning in will give you the clarity you need to know where to focus your healing intentions.           

  1. Video introduction (with transcript provided)
  2. An ancestor prayer of support (use the one provided or write your own)
  3. Inquiry questions to determine exactly what to clear, what to keep
  4. A reiki-charged guided visualization and healing transmission to support your ability to compassionately accept your unique family legacy

Step 3: Leaning Into Your Ancestral Gifts

Once you’ve cleared and healed the next step is recognizing and embracing the family gifts that have been passed down to you as well.           

  1. Video introduction (with transcript provided)
  2. An ancestor prayer of gratitude (use the one provided or write your own)
  3. Inquiry questions to clarify the sometimes hidden gifts that accompany painful family legacies
  4. A reiki-charged guided visualization and healing transmission to support your ability to receive the blessings hidden within your family legacy

Step 4: Honor Your Legacy to Receive Divine Guidance

Now that you’ve shifted your energy around this particular family wound, you’ve created energetic space to receive deeper guidance and communication from your ancestors. 

  1. Video introduction (with transcript provided)
  2. An invocation to connect with your ancestral guides (use the one provided or write your own)
  3. Inquiry questions to support your ability and desire to connect with your benevolent ancestors
  4. A ritual to honor your ancestors and thank them for their continued love and support of your ascension process

This Toolkit (a mini course, really) also includes 2 BONUS recorded workshops on ancestral healing and clearing the family belief systems that hold you back. Plus a host of other resources to inspire you as you do the sacred work of clearing not only your painful past, but also your ancestors’. They are cheering you on!

Like my signature Born To Flourish program, this Toolkit is designed to be used again and again. We can always go deeper to continue our lifelong healing journey and I hope you will do just that.

Ready to jump in? Click on the first topic below: Introduction to Ancestral Healing for Divine Connection

The Flourish 10-Day Self-Compassion Challenge



I am so excited to have you join the Flourish Community and me, your guide on your journey to realizing greater self-compassion in your life.

You are joining a community of heart-centered, like-minded, amazing people who are sick and tired of putting their needs at the bottom of the list and who want to make big changes in their lived experience.

In short, you are among a lovely group of people who want to feel more peace and ease in their lives. Folks who are ready to up-level and create positive ripples in the world.

Always remember that I am on this journey with you, as are countless others. If you ever feel stuck, overwhelmed, or just want to share what is coming up for you, reach out to the group for support.

Self-compassion is a mindset coupled with a skillset. And over the next 10 days, you’re going to get tips and tools to improve both!


What to Expect:

Every day for 10 days, you’ll have a new opportunity for growth, for coming back to your center, and remembering who you are at your core.

You will want to have a journal handy to take some notes and record thoughts and ideas as they come to you.

Pro Tip: Find a buddy to take the challenge with you. Consider it built-in accountability (who doesn’t need that, am I right?), but also an unparalleled opportunity to grow your most important relationships.

So roll up those sleeves! Let’s get started, shall we?

Big love,

Anné M. Klint

P.S. You can do this course in 10 days, 10 weeks, or even over 10 months to really ground your practice very deeply. Make it work for you!



Tools To Thrive By

personal growth online course

Welcome To The Tools to Thrive By Course!

Over the course of the next four months, you are going to deep dive into yourself, find your center, and welcome many hidden or forgotten parts of yourself back to the whole.

You are going to experience a deeper sense of personal knowing, increased confidence in all areas of your life, and an increased feeling of peace in your inner world. Through this process, you are going to mindfully co-create the life you want and deserve.

It’s going to be so awesome! And I’m really excited to have a front row seat. I’ll be cheering you on!

Always remember that I am on this journey with you. If you ever feel stuck, overwhelmed, or just want to share what is coming up for you, that’s what I’m here for!

What to Expect:

You’ll start with Setting Powerful Intentions, and getting really clear on what you want to get out of this program, and what you want to experience in your life. Following that process, there are six Toolkits in total. Each Toolkit includes an introduction which outlines the content for the Toolkit, the methods you’ll use to progress through the material, and a time estimate to complete it. Each Toolkit is different, and will require different amounts of time. (These time estimates are general guidelines only. If you find yourself in juicy territory, stay there and mine all the gold you can.)

You will want to keep a journal throughout the program. A LOT is going to come up for you; that’s why you are here, after all! At the end of each Toolkit, you will have the opportunity to distill your work with the Recap questions.

It’s best if you do your deep work in a journal, and then send the highlights to your coach via the online form at the end of each Toolkit. It’s recommended to type the answers to your Recap questions in a separate text editor (like MS Word, etc) and then copy and paste into the online form all at once so you don’t lose any entries in the unfortunate case of technical difficulties.

Reach out, reach out, reach out! There are areas to leave comments all over the course site, or always feel free to email me directly at any time.

Ready to do this thing? Roll up them sleeves, and start by setting some great intentions. Sky’s the limit! You’ve got this!